Kings Point Recreation Corporation (KPRC) was formed in 2012 to manage the recreation areas belonging to the 91 Kings Point Condominium Associations, condominium owners have no say or ownership in these facilities which are as follows: The non-profit organization is run by 15 Directors and 10 alternates. The by-laws require all Directors be a minimum of 55 years of age, own their condominium and reside in Kings Point 10 months out of the year. Each Director represents 504 condominiums. The following information are screen shots from KPRC 2024 audited financial statements.

The above individuals represent the KPRC current Board of Directors. My understanding thus far is that Lisa Manzione does not have voting rights nor is she a resident of Kings Point (please correct me if I am wrong). Also, I understand Frank Iovine also no longer resides in Kings Point. According to the corporation’s by-laws neither are qualified to be on the Board. Almost anything can be changed in Kings Point by a simple majority vote of the above Directors.

The above represent the current ownership of all facilities including clubhouses, pools, restaurants etc of Kings Point (prior to this facilities were owned by the developer and through a long term lease condominium owners had full use of all the facilities). Remember, although home owners have no say in KPRC, they alone have the vote to control the Condominium Associations who own everything in Kings Point. So, “indirectly” the home owners own everything.

First reference to the above management agreement goes back into the 90’s and seems to go on for an indefinite period without having to get competitive bids.

It appears from the above Vesta Management Agreement has a $123,047 raise from 2023 – 2024 Unfortunately there does not seems to be any cost breakdown on their fees.

Security – Kings Point currently has two contracts for security. The first is with Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Department for four off duty patrolman to be stationed inside the Kings Point community at a cost of $600,000 per year. The second is with Allied Universal Security Services who provide 24-hour per day, 7 days-a-week services.
I have a home in Las Vegas, which my daughter now lives in, situated in a large country club setting. I purchased the home twenty years ago when the development was still under construction, with many model homes available. Security was lax at that time, as visitors could easily gain access by claiming they were there to view a model home or visit the restaurant or golf course, similar to Kings Point. However, security measures began to improve about ten years later as the community filled up, now boasting over 5,000 homes spread across 1,330 acres. Visitors now have their license plate photographed, their driver’s license scanned, and their purpose verified before entering the community. Once inside, they must adhere to strict traffic rules enforced by private security using advanced technology like radar guns. Violations result in fines issued to either the resident or the homeowner, paid to the HOA. As a result, traffic violations have significantly decreased, making the community a much safer place.
Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Department has two ways to go for a private community. The first one to execute an agreement with the Sheriff’s Department giving the access to patrol the community. The second is to hire off duty sheriff deputies stationed inside the community which is what Kings Point has done for $600,000 per year.
TRAFFIC ENFORCEMENT AGREEMENTS WITH PRIVATE RESIDENTIAL COMMUNITIES – Florida State Statute 316.006, (3), (B) enables private residential Communities to enter into an agreement with Palm Beach County to provide for the enforcement of all traffic laws on the private roads within a Development. The execution of an Agreement for Enforcement of the Traffic Laws of the State (hereinafter Agreement) does not provide for Sheriff Deputies to be situated within a Development. Instead, it will allow deputies, on routine patrol, the ability to enforce traffic laws when patrolling through the Development during normal patrol hours. I recommend the above contract be canceled or left to expire. Budget half of the $600,000 paid to Palm Beach County then add additional private security officers equipped with the technology required to enforce the communities traffic violations. As a private community violations can be imposed by the HOA. The revenue from the fines would go directly to Kings Point rather than to Palm Beach County. I also believe that security guards stationed within a pool area should be replaced with certified life guards through an outside vendor. They should have immediate access to life saving equipment and communications. It might even lower insurance liability costs.